Thursday, November 25, 2010

...DAY 7...

I woke up and I just lied in my bed for a few minutes before falling back to sleep for another hour. Mum woke me up with vegemite toast in her hand. I didn’t feel like any Indonesian food this morning so I took the toast and ate it all quickly. Dad said we were going to Goa Lawah,
 but I didn’t know what or where Goa Lawah was. Dad told me it would take 45 minutes to get there and he also told us we were getting a tour there at 12pm but we also had to get there 15 minutes before the tour started. So I got dresses quickly for where we were going and then left in our hire car at 11:00am when we were about 5 minutes away my parents told me we were going to a Bat Cave Temple. I wasn’t as excited as the other placed we had visited but I knew my parents were excited. When we got there mum filled out our forms and then we had to wait for the tour to begin. The tour went for an hour and a half and it was very boring, there were caves and lots of bats but they hardly moved because they are nocturnal, There were a lot of Indonesian people but also a lot of tourists visiting There were lots of structures and lots of temples that the Indonesian people were praying and giving offerings to. On the way home I fell asleep and woke up in my bed I looked at the clock and it read 10:00pm I could hear the TV I walked out of my room and saw my mum and dad sitting on the couch watching a movie they gave me something to eat sent me back off to bed.

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